From September 18th 2024 we are starting on the new location in Eindhoven with weekly Kundalini Yoga classes. They will be offered in Dutch and English if needed.
Every day we do a lot of things on autopilot, so without attention and therefore unconsciously. Often we don’t have or take the time to think about it. As a result, we don’t always get what we want. We become disappointed, frustrated, exhausted, sick or even burnout.
During this course you will use your body as a tool to increase your self-knowledge and become aware of your body, thought patterns and emotions. You will discover pretty quickly how your body and mind responds to tensions and what you can do to prevent it. You will get useful and applicable tips. The most important thing is that you learn a habit of being relaxed. And that’s delicious!
For whom
This course is intended for people who want to improve their physical and emotional well-being and find out how complaints can be prevented. This is a good alternative for people who are not so happy to talk about personal issues or have not achieved sufficient results with the talk treatments and theoretical courses.
The complaints can be:
- Mental fatigue and tiredness
- Head, back, neck, or abdominal pain with no obvious cause
- Sleep problems
- Heart palpitations/pressure on the chest with no obvious cause
- Dizziness with no clear cause
- Hyperventilation
- Panic attacks
- Low immunity (for example, often being sick)
You may recognize yourself in one or more of these situations:
- I have to do / arrange too many things
- I have too much on my mind and I’m often tired
- I am too emotional
- I can hardly relax after a busy day
- I’m on the way to the burnout or I have a burnout
The stress-related complaints mentioned above can arise from a structural and long-term lack of rest and attention to yourself. Rest is also used as break, silence, sick-time, relaxation, time for yourself etc. It is not always easy to get this rest, because that means “doing it differently” or changing (life) habits.
How does Kundalini Yoga work?
Yoga exercises are used to become aware of your own body and thoughts. By becoming aware of your body, you learn to recognize your physical tensions and discomforts in time. Then you make a connection between these tensions and your lifestyle patterns or habits. By becoming aware of your thoughts, you learn what you find important in life.
With mindfulness exercises you learn to live consciously: make conscious choices, consciously enjoy the things you like, etc. In other words – You learn to be in the here and now.
Furthermore, the following exercises are covered:
- Meditation. During meditation you become aware of your thoughts. You learn to literally and figuratively empty your head
- Concentration. By learning to concentrate, you train your brain to be focused on the things are important at that moment.
- Breathing. With breathing exercises you learn to breathe in a relaxed way, so that in a stressful situation you can calm yourself consciously, controlled and quickly.
- Relaxation. By doing regular relaxation exercises, you learn to organize yourself to take structural rest.
- Observation. During observation exercises you learn to be in the here and now and accept things as they are.
- Positive thinking. During these exercises, you will learn to recognize negative thoughts and redirect them into positive thoughts. You also become aware of “the positive” in yourself.
- you feel better about yourself (physically and emotionally)
- you sleep better
- you are calmer
- you are more positive
- you have more energy
- you are concentrated
- you perform better at work
- you are happier
- you become more aware and make choices/decisions that are good for you
Wednesday evenings from 19.30 to 21.00.
September 18, 25 and Oktober 2, 9, 16
Remonstrant Church in the Villapark in Eindhoven (Address: Dommelhoefstraat 1A
5613 EL Eindhoven). Limited number of free parking spaces are available.
There are yoga mats available. Bring a bottle of water and a blanket for the relaxation. If you have a meditation cushion or/and sheepskin you are welcome to bring it with you for your comfort.
The best way to experience Kundalini Yoga is the white or light loose cotton clothing. Try it one day and you will feel the difference with modern sport clothing. Please don’t wear any parfum to the class as it might be disturbing with breath exercises.
5 weeks course consist from 5 classes of 1,5 hours each cost €75. You can join anytime, stop anytime and get money back for unused classes.
Please sign up by sending an email to inna@yogamierlo.nl or app/call to 0629260943.
If you are curious to know more about healthy happy and holy Kundalini Yoga lifestyle and me as a teacher please visit my website www.yogamierlo.nl
You can translate it into English by choosing the option in your internet browser.
Warm greetings,